Are You Scared Yet?

A zine celebrating horror in all its glory.


"Are You Scared Yet?" is a horror-themed zine that will bring all sorts of creative people who are huge fans of horror together. Our aim is to create a zine composed of artists, writers, cosplayers, photographers, and more to create a spooky collection.From movies to podcasts, video games to anime. Any horror franchise or original horror content is welcome.All styles are welcome and we hope to create a fun project for fans of the dark and immersive world of horror!


Answer to a few questions you might have.

++ How many pieces are we required to do if we get accepted? ++
For writers, we are allotting from 1,000 - 5,000 words that can be written as one piece or spread out among a few smaller pieces.
For artists, we expect one full-colour completed piece per artist. There might be room for other doodles or smaller pieces, as well as the opportunity to do spot art for a writer.For cosplayers, we expect at least three full resolution images of your costume that haven’t been shared online prior to the zine’s creation.For photographers, we expect at least three full resolution images that haven’t been shared online prior to the zine's creation.++Does it cost money to participate?++
Nope! Just need to apply.
++How much will the zine cost?++
Subject to the interest check!
++Is this a safe-for-work or a not-safe-for-work project?++
Due to it being horror it will be classed as a not-safe-for-work project. Non-sexual nudity is fine, but nothing of a sexual nature will be allowed in this project.
++Is there an age restriction on applications?++
Everyone who applies needs to be 18+.
+Is the zine digital or physical?
Digital with an add on merch bundle!
++Can I apply for more than one role?++
Yes! But you will only be considered for a max of two roles.
++What types of media are allowed in this project?++
We allow anything from any type of horror media. Podcasts, movies, screenplays, TV shows, and video games, as long as it fits in the horror genre it’s allowed. This includes anything that is classed as ‘comedy/horror’ ‘thriller/horror’ and so on.
++Can I submit original works?++
Yes! Please do. This project is a mix of fan work and original content.
++Is this zine for profit or charity?++
The merch bundle will be 100% for profit and the digital zine will be 50% charity 50% profit!



Expectations when accepted into the zine.

++ How many pieces are we required to do if we get accepted? ++For writers, we are allotting from 1,000 - 5,000 words that can be spread out among a few smaller pieces, or you can have your entire allotted words in just one piece.For artists we expect one full-colour completed piece per artist. There might be room for other doodles or just smaller pieces in general as well as the opportunity to do spot art for a writer.For cosplayers, we expect at least three full resolution images of your costume that haven’t been shared online prior to the zine’s creation.For photographers, we expect at least three full resolution images that haven’t been shared online prior to the zine's creation.++Spot Artists++
If you select to be a spot artist you are expected to do at least two pieces for each story you have picked to collab with. This means working closely with a writer to create finished pieces. You will be required to do two pieces of art per project. Other smaller doodles can be considered as well.
There will be check-in deadlines to adhere to throughout the project. Mods can be flexible if extensions are needed, but please remain communicative!
There will be a chance to show previews of your work at a later date. Until then, all pieces are kept private so as not to spoil the finished project!
You will be expected to join the sever to work on the project. If you do not have a Discord account, you will need to create one to take part.


Subject to change!

December 1st: Interest check opens
December 31st: Interest check closes
January 1st: Contributor applications open
January 31st: Contributor applications close~~
February 5th:
Contributor application results
February 10th: Deadline to accept and join the server.
**February 20th: **Pitch/concepts submitted
**February 22nd: **Results
**February 23rd: **Spot artist sign ups

February 28th: Results/paired up
**March 10th: **First check-in [Fic outline/rough sketch]
**April 10th: **Second check-in [25% finished]
**May 10th: **Third check-in [50% finished]
June 10th:Fourth check-in [75% finished]
July 10th: check-in [100% finished!]
August 1st: [DEADLINE]
Sept 1st: Pre-orders


Remember to check the Expectations page!